Monday, November 3, 2008

Vote!! Vote!! Vote!!

The last day before the election and the politicians are out in numbers in Missouri. Sarah Palin, John McCain, Barack Hussein Obama, and even Hilary Rodham Clinton will make an appearance here today. Each one of them are trying to persuade you to vote for them tomorrow. Each one of them with distinctive views on where this country should be headed.

So much is at stake in this election....if you value your freedom and want America to keep the same great liberties we have experienced for 232 years your choice on which canidate to vote for could enable those freedoms to survive or could begin the dismantling of what we have always known America to be. Barack Hussein Obama in a recent comment said he wanted to create a civilian task force....Sounds a little bit like the KGB to me. He has also said our founding fathers squelched our liberties and didn't go far enough....they didn't spread the wealth. Hello!!! that was because they weren't creating a communist country.

Will this man even spend one day in the White House holding up the Constitution? So far his statements all point to the fact that he thinks he could have done better than our founding fathers. He isn't happy with our nation...the way it has been for 232 years....he wants to change it. Is that what you want? Do you honestly think we would be better off if we were more like the nations in the European Union? Does the United Nations have the answers on a better form of government with members like China and Russia? They make a lot of proclaimations but they turn out to be clouds with no water all they know is how to oppress a people successfully.

Government is not God and cannot solve our nation's ills. Vote to protect the freedom that allows us to turn to the ONE TRUE GOD who can heal our land.

I am voting for John McCain and then I'm praying for him because he doesn't have all the answers either....because he is a mere mortal man....he will just hopefully allow us to continue to live in the freedom to pursue life and liberty....without telling us how much we can make, buy, or own...and without a new version of the KGB.

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