Monday, February 9, 2009

Legacy of Anger

Proverbs 22:24 -25 Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul.

Are you easily angered?

Many times I have heard the laughing comments of people referring to someone's fiery temper as if it were something to be admired. Being a red head I have heard the endless comments regarding the supposed terrible tempers of all red heads. Comments made with a silly grin as if they would like to see a demonstration of the supposed temper in the next few minutes. The truth however is, according to the Bible, an inability to control one's anger is not something to be admired. The truth is it is a snare to our souls and the souls of whomever finds themselves in our company. Sadly the ones we are laying this dangereous snare for are the ones we love and care about the most; they are our own children and close family members.
The Bible says we are not become friends or go anywhere with a furious and angry man. Our children and spouses have no choice however but to be subjected to our fits of temper and thus they learn our ways and this cycle of ensnarement lasts generations.
Anger and the inability to control the emotions can grow into so many full blown manifestations with consequences that are far reaching. Many things can be traced back to uncontrolled emotions....anger, quarreling, bitterness, hate, we really want to lead our loved ones into this treacheous territory? My mother has always quoted what she heard somewhere,"What parents do in moderation, children do in excess." Do we really want our children fine tuning the abilities to fly off the handle...or storm out of a room...or throwing objects...or yelling...or screaming...or pouting and sulking?
If these are your vices your pet sins...REPENT. Ask those around you who have seen the anger rule you to forgive you and share with them this verse in Proverbs.
Anger and uncontrolled emotions do not just cost you. Our children are watching and learning from us. Let us not leave to them this legacy of anger. Let us put it off like an old garment and ask God to cloth us in His meekness, quietness, and righteousness.

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