Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Family Portraits

Today I took my six children to have their pictures taken. My oldest daughter is in college in Kentucky and couldn't be present for the exciting occasion or there would have been seven kids in the photo. I can't believe how exhausting picture taking can be. Trying to get everyone to smile and hold their heads just right is quite a task....and that isn't even mentioning all the preparation before the photograph ..... making sure all the clothes being wore are clean and not of any color that would clash with the sibling sitting beside them in the picture.
While I was applying some last minute spit to strands of hair that didn't want to lay in their proper position...I was reminded how miraculous God's gift of family is. Those of us with children know just how intense the daily grind can sometimes can begin to mean to us one more load of laundry to do....or an evening meal to prepare just when we think we can't take one more thing on our "plate"....but may we never forget that all those little messers, all those mouths to feed, the husband hogging our side of the bed at night is God's special gift to us, souls that will never die made in God's own image to remind us of Him. Be mindful of this when you fill that sippy cup up one more time....or when you slide to your edge of the bed with a husband snoring loudly in you ear. Thank God for the dirt and grime on little hands requiring your attention; providing you with the opportunity to look deep into your loved one's eyes a moment made to take a mental photograph.... one you'll treasure for years to come when children won't be around to ask for small favors.
Photos taken in studios will be filed away in albums confined to bookshelves or displayed in dusty picture frames...but the family portraits I think most treasured are the ones imprinted on our hearts.....the ones mentallly taken while spending time in the shelter of our homes....without the backlights, drop cloths, and adjustable stools.

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