Thursday, October 30, 2008

Repair man's surprise visit

Our shower has been leaking from the shower head for some time now. I called a man we bought the house from (home warranty) to come and fix it Tuesday. He told me he would be there that evening to take a look at it. I spent the day cleaning my house making sure everything was in its place in every room...even the ones he wouldn't be in. The place just sparkled and then I told the kids not to breath till after he We waited and waited and he never came. At that moment I figured my luck would be that he would just show up when I least expected him and my house would be turned upside down at that moment. You bed unmade (you have to go through my bedroom to get to the bathroom in question), underwear in the bathroom floor, or the kitchen a mess with the contents of my two year old son's breakfast bowl plastered to the wall, which sometimes occurs when he decides he is finished...NOW.
Two days passed and no phone call...was he coming? Then tonight the phone was the dinner hour....Mr. Fix-it said, "I'll be right over." He lives five minutes away!! I raced around to clean the evening meal debris away. The children were still eating...Then in a flash he was pullling into the driveway....ahhhhhh! I went to the door and he had the needed part to fix the shower in his hand. He said my husband could probably put the part in himself if I preferred he didn't intrude. I assured him he would not be my mind raced to think...right before supper I had given my littlest son a shower in our bathroom....what kind of mess had I left it in....if he fixed the shower I would have to lead him casually into rooms I had not had the time to check on...what was their current condition? I decided to protect my pride and said..."You know I would hate to inconvience you...My husband can probably fix the shower and if he needs help he can call you back." While making small talk and feeling as though I had narrowly escaped this potentially pride hurting experience...I looked down at my youngest son who had come to the door some time before and had, like a good boy, been quietly standing behind me. To my profound horror I discovered he was completely naked from the waist down. Gone were his pants and pull-ups. "Jason!!!" I exclaimed loudly, "What are you doing!" Horrified I looked at the man at my door....I wondered how long Jason had been standing there in all his glory with me trying to make small talk. This was probably the reason why the guy didn't "Want to intrude" I quickly assured the man that Jason didn't normally run around this way.
When the man was gone I had to laugh through embarrassed and mortified tears. With all my efforts to look like I had it together fragile pride was fractured anyway.
Tonight...I am thanking God for kids. For if nothing else they keep us humble and remind us life isn't perfect....and if it were it wouldn't be nearly as entertaining.

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